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Training By Design

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New Classes starting October 12th, 2024. AKC STAR Puppy and Canine Good Citizen. Contact us to sign up.

Your dog is a member of your family...

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Diffe​rent Dogs
Different Needs
Different Programs

All families are different and we design a training program specific to your family's needs. We offer Virtual Private and Group Sessions, In-Home Private Lessons, Group Lessons for puppies and adult dogs, AKC STAR Puppy Program and AKC Canine Good Citizen Program. 


About Us

We value the relationship between a dog and it's guardian. We use scientific, creative, proven, positive techniques to help you manage and understand your canine family. We advocate for fear free and reward based training. We will never use pain or fear to train your dog.  With Dogs 'N Action you won't be asked to buy an expensive shock collar or an aversive prong collar. Our methods do not include special tools. 

My Education

Biography - Teresa Tuttle, IAABC-ADT, APDT, AKC-CGC, PPG

Teresa Tuttle is certified with the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants as an Accredited Dog Trainer, she is also a member of The Association of Professional Dog Trainers, a certified evaluator for the American Kennel Club, as well as a member of the Pet Professional Guild and the owner of Dogs ‘N Action in Odessa, Texas.

Teresa has 23 years of experience with many accreditations. 


Time Saving Virtual Classes

Avoid traffic!! Take some Virtual Training Sessions!! They are convenient, can be scheduled in the evenings, weekends, any time​! You don't need to leave home to train your dog! Great for the outlying areas of the Permian Basin.  Not sure how it works? Contact us for one Free 15 minute session.


AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy Class

Our puppy classes are for dogs 8 months and under and run for 6 weeks. We meet once a week for an hour.


AKC Canine Good Citizen Class

Our adult dog classes are for dogs 8 months and up and run for  6 weeks. We meet once a week for one hour.


American Veterinary Society of Animal


Behavior - Humane Training Statement 


Alpha Dog Theory

Debunked in 1948


Climate Controlled Training Center

Our 1500' building is the first training building in Odessa, Texas. We are locally owned. Our weather here is pretty predictable: Winter, mild. Spring,windy. None of which is conducive to outdoor classes. We are excited to be able to offer indoor classes.



KC Caulder

Warm. Friendly. Incredibly experienced trainer. Love the professionalism and guidance.

Thanks For Visiting Our Website

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